Saturday, December 29, 2007

When the cat is away.....

Ever heard of the phrase "When the cat is away, the mice shallplay".That has never been more true than in my office this week.The Boss- henceforth referred to as She-who-must-not-be named and the boss'sboss(he-who-never-speaks-to-us-commoners) are away on leave. The generalfeeling of lightness in the office was enhanced when a lil' birdie flewaround whispering that she was in fact out of the country.The joyousnews was confirmed by a well pretended nonchalant call by one of theBand 7s. a 7 is mid way b/w the commoner (jr mgmt) and royalty (srmgmt). The morning 10min coffee break extended to a 1hr brunch. Andofcourse the lunch was a lavish 3 hr biryani feastivity. Now u don'texpext us to eat lunch and not feel sleepy.being conscientious employeesit wouldn't do for us to fall asleep in office so we just had to had togo for the afternoon coffee break too.was the wall clock slowtoday?probably abashed at the number of stares it got today. Normally itwould bear furtive glances preceeded and followed by an equally furtivelook at the Boss' cubicle.Today boldness was the order of the day.Therewas nothing subtle about the looks it received.There was lack of neitherfrequency nor number.

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